
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Post Surgery Update: Four Months Later!

Quite a few people have asked for updates on how things have been going after the Nissen Fundoplication so I thought I would fill everyone in with the latest and greatest.

I can't believe it's already been four months!  As far as the healing process, there are a few things to note that I thought might be helpful for people wondering what it's like the first few weeks and months post surgery.  Please note that this was my experience and not everyone will have all or any of these:
  • Shoulder pressure - in my case, I definitely had chest pressure in my shoulders and chest a week or two after the surgery but that eventually got much more mild after about 3 weeks. 
  • Food getting stuck at my wrap site- oh yeah, definitely had some food get stuck.  It feels like you're choking and all you can do is try to push it down by drinking some luke warm water.  It's sick.  Some of the trouble foods that I battled with include: fish, Gushers (don't ask...I'm addicted), salad and buttered noodles.  While some doctors say that you can move to solids chewed well after a week or so, I would REALLY chew it and make sure that you have some kind of sauce if you're doing that route or just wait until two weeks when the swelling has gone down.
  • Heartburn - when I went back to work I tried having coffee again in the mornings and it was an EPIC fail.  I got WICKED heartburn and felt like I was having a heart attack at about 1:30 PM every day.  So, needless to say coffee is permanently out of the question based on my stomach's reaction from it.  Same thing with anything more than a 1/2 can of soda for this gal.
  • The way heartburn felt - the feeling/sensation that I had when I got heartburn after surgery was COMPLETELY different than it had ever been before.  Which to me makes 100% sense since before it just kept coming back up and now it was finally forced to stay down and holy man did it burn the few times that it happened.
  • Incisions - My incisions are scars that are by no means invisible but my surgeon did a great job on sewing me up.  I did have one suture that didn't dissolve but when I went in for my one month check-up and my doctor saw that it was still there, she pulled it out carefully with medical tweezers so that I didn't have to wait for it to dissolve naturally.  It hurt like a beast but it was totally worth not having to wait for it.
  • Chest pressure, long term- I'm now at four months and it has been confirmed through X-ray that the wrap works and is closing successfully...and I can tell that it's working when I wake up in the morning since I feel some pressure in my chest that confirms that some air, as well as food, is being held down as well.  It's not that big of a deal once you're out of bed for 5 minutes and moving around; it works itself out.
  • Appetite/stomach size - the reality of the situation is that since they wrap it around the top of your stomach it will be swollen for quite a while.  Then after the swelling is down, you won't eat as much which I attribute to two things.  One, because of how long it takes to chew and eat your meals and two, because your stomach shrunk from being on a liquid and small meals diet for a long period of time.  And even four months later, I can't and don't eat as much as I used to which for me, is a great thing since with GERD you are supposed eat smaller meals anyways and it just feels SO much better.
  • Working out - working out was a beast and it took much longer to get back into it than I was prepared for.  I wasn't up and fully functioning from a work out standpoint for about 7 weeks.  At seven weeks, my abs were still repairing themselves and felt pretty sore, I wasn't able to eat the normal foods that I had been in the past so my body was screwed up from that lack of "normal foods" and I was getting very tired quickly.  For example, instead of my standard 2-2.5 miles jogging, I was taking a 1 mile walk and feeling completely burned out and like I needed a nap (and often times did).  But, I did bounce back at about 8 weeks and I'm fully able to do yoga, pilates, running or anything else that I would have before the surgery.
And through all of this and having weighed the options and post surgery observations above, I would have done it again in a second!  I haven't taken a PPI since the day before the surgery, I haven't thrown up from having horrible heartburn since surgery and while I'll probably never be able to drink coffee again, I'll get over it since there are so many other things that I can now have that were off limits or made me feel horrible!

So here's to tomatoes, garlic, red wine and onions being a part of my life again!  Yay!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

What a Stellar Weekend!

I had such a fabulous weekend that I had to post about it!  Some of the things that made it so wonderful include:

The Minneapolis Farmer's Market - it's that time of year again!  After grabbing some of my favorites below, I sat for a summer salad cooking class hosted by the chef at Le Belle Vie featuring strawberries and then scoured the market to find some brussel sprout plants (successful mission), and ended it with nothing else, but a ear of hot buttered corn (yummmm). 
Almond Joy Smoother (or a latte when it's cold)

And let us not forget the Tollefson's grilled to perfection hotdogs. 
The end of my raking days - Adam purchased a riding lawnmower and while I would love to put up some pictures of the beautiful John Deere deal that he hunted down on, I know that he would call me a dork.  So you will just have to imagine this beauty in your head ; ).

The Dilly Bar jackpot - After posting on Twitter a few weeks back inquiring as to which Twin Cities Dairy Queen's had store made dilly bars (think paper bags), I was super bummed when no one had suggestions or locations that served them.  Well I'm sad no longer, because today we found the holy grail! 

While ordering something today for lunch, I saw the girl behind the counter pull out a tray of circular little swirled top vanilla soft serve wonders.  OH YEAH!  The St. Louis Park/West End Dairy Queen location makes their own cherry, butterscotch and chocolate dilly bars!  No more of those plastic wrapped manufactured things for this chick!  Back to old school dilly bars this summer!

My friends got back from Europe - Everyone had fun but I was so happy to see them after being gone for almost a month!  I  picked them up at the airport and witnessed their hunger fueled and sleep deprived traveling coma and then cook them up some grub; couldn't think of a better Saturday night then to have them back in town!
My bratty little friends at the Colosseum in Rome! 
Turkey burger Sunday- I made a pretty smokin' Caprese style turkey burger on a whim that turned out pretty darn good so I'll have to share the recipe later this week.
Turkey Caprese burger

We also got some pool time at the neighborhood hangout AND Wallace figured out how to walk next to us without being on a leash!  Big weekend!

Lastly, you can see that I've been REALLY well behaved this weekend with the food guidelines....or not.  The good news is that it all evened out and being outside busting my buns all weekend with the dog, being out in the yard weeding and doing lawn stuff paid off. 

Since I'll be out of town this weekend the final weigh off is this Friday and I couldn't be more excited to finally earn myself this fridge.  Double doors here we come!