
Monday, September 2, 2013

I'm back! But where have I been? Why now?

Q: "Why didn't you blog for soooo long?!".
A: "Ummm...two things."

Q: "Why get back into it now?"
A: "Easy, football season."

While the answers aren't very interesting, it came down to those three things: life, technology and football.

Life & Technology
Here's the background.  I've been working in software sales for nearly two years now.  It's the most fulfilling job I've every had, and the best company I've ever worked for...and is an opportunity of a lifetime.  While it sounds a little cheesy, every week I'm challenged mentally and the people around me are some of the quickest and most talented I've ever worked with.
Just a typical Thursday at my desk, with one of my talented team nehhhhhs.
But we're always "on", even though it's not a requirement.  Everyone has an iPhone, iPad and MacBook, literally.  While we're not required to respond to emails or always be "on", you don't want to let your team or customers down.  Well, last year I found myself checking emails when I normally wouldn't have, responding to requests well after 9:00 at night and making work phone calls while in the car with my family.

Then it started.  The dog got depressed when he saw me pull the computer out and my response time to the husband's questions were delayed and often half baked because of doing two (or five) things at once.  Then the guilt kicked in and it was time.  I deliberately stopped bringing my computer home after work last winter. Admittedly I still checked Facebook, cruised online and read on my Kindle...but work emails, blogging (and anything requiring a keyboard) waited.
Mom, put the computer down and take me outside! Even if it's snowing in May!
In short, it's known disconnecting from technology after work is beneficial, and I've been trying over the last year to get better about it.  Because I do NOT want to be one of those people addicted to their smartphone that live for picture to post to Facebook and Twitter (instead of the actual moments).

While I had a lot less to blog about because I wasn't snapping pictures or being obsessed about taking notes while out to dinner, it was a great reality check on what's important, and based on my other obligations, blogging did not make the list at that time.  But why am I picking the baton back up if I had such a great time fully engaged in real life?  
Living in the moment....hotdog leg style.

NFL football is why I'm back to blogging.  For the next 17 weeks have all day Sunday, Monday nights (and for half the season) Thursday nights of quality time to myself (outside of when the Packers play).

Thanks for understanding everyone!  
While my posts may not be as detailed as they have been in the past, I'm going to do my best to provide my readers (by readers I mean my family...literally) with some exciting adventures, misadventures, commentaries and reviews in the coming weeks!  Thanks everyone!

PS: To the best of my knowledge and records, I've updated my 2012-2013 reading list.  While there aren't full reviews, feel free to check the updated list out!

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