
Monday, November 21, 2011

Puma Shoe Laces, NOT My Cup of Tea

I really like the way that Puma shoes look.  For some reason I'm always drawn to them but then when I get them I regret it every time.  Every single stinking time.

The shoelaces are ridiculous.  They come undone within an hour every single time that I tie them. 
Here's my shoelace struggling at Wal-Mart

The photos on here depict my noneffective efforts to double knot my shoelaces while running errands before the onset of winter this weekend.  How is a woman supposed to winterize her home and fight off the crazies at Wal-Mart when she can't even tie her shoelaces??  Honestly Puma!?

Here's the same stupid shoelace struggling at Home Depot
It's finally at the point where I thought to myself yesterday, "well maybe it's me".  So I googled "Puma shoelace always undone".  While I didn't find anyone else that is as passionate about Puma shoelaces specifically, it turns out that there is a shoelace community out there that I didn't even know about!  

My personal favorite was Ian's Shoelace Site: Bringing you the fun, fashion & science of shoelaces. On this page Ian goes over the difference between the balanced shoelace knot and the ever infamous and feared"granny knot" which has people tripping all over themselves.  And it turns out that the "bunny ears" method is a real trouble maker too....

"Of the three methods, the Two Loop Shoelace Knot (or "Bunny Ears" method) is probably the biggest cause of "Granny Knots" because most people naturally tie the starting knot and finishing bow exactly the same way. This has given it a bad reputation as an inferior knot, whereas it's actually quite secure if tied correctly."

Wondering how to make sure that you're not a victim of the "Granny Knot"?  Then you'll have to go visit his website and read about "Fixing an Unbalanced "Granny Knot"" at the bottom of the link.  Don't worry, there are full instructions and visuals to walk you through becoming a more efficient shoelace upper in case you were scared you wouldn't get enough detail.

And just in case you are afraid of being alone on a lonely street wondering how to tie your shoelace correctly, he DOES have a iPhone app that is the ultimate shoelace reference.

As far as my original issue with my shoelace...I'm ripping them out and replacing them with normal shoelaces since an effective and standard shoelace knot was still ineffective on the world's thinnest and most useless Puma shoelaces.


  1. I struggle with Puma shoelaces too. Irritating!

    Same thing happened to Usain Bolt this weekend in the Olympics.

  2. I do not understand why you have problems with those wholesale puma shoes and shoelaces. I am totally fine with it.
