
Sunday, November 27, 2011

The South Called, They Want You Back

On the way home today I saw some friends that I was hoping would have snow-birded their buns back down South by the time I got back.  

The neighborhood geese that poop all over everyone's yard and pull up their lawn with their stupid little sharp little beaks.

My guess is that Minnesota is so liberal and welfare-centric that the geese felt there would probably be better benefits if they just stayed since we can't legally kick them out until April. 

Well hello friends.
In all seriousness I know that there is probably global warming and they are getting lazy just like the rest of our society but this whole staying until Christmas thing needs to end...especially after reading this blog today called "Canada not Canadian Geese" about what these birds are doing while I'm at work all day.

"...where they might eat four pounds of grass and leave two pounds of droppings every day". 

Are you freaking kidding me?  Two pounds of dog sized poop PER CANADA GOOSE per day!?  Plus they are mowing down four pounds (per goose) of our new sod!  Might be time for my friend's husband to come practice goose hunting in my front yard. 

What's in this picture?  52 pounds of grass and 26 pounds of poop per day.  Not in my yard people.

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