
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England...

A few weeks ago at work I needed to call a company in London and in order to do that I needed the country code.  While that wouldn't have been an issue for me if it where Berlin or Sydney...but London...crap.

What country code would I need?  Is London located in the United Kingdom, Great Britain or England...or all three?  As a reasonably knowledgeable scholar I was pretty embarrassed that I had no idea what the differences were and slightly angry that I don't remember being taught about this in school. 

So where does one go to solve the mystery?  The internet of course.  But I didn't run across the traditional Wikipedia entry...I found a really detailed 5 minute explanation and was also introduced to a GREAT little "random know-how blog called Grey's Blog. 

And if you can't appreciate the amount of work that this poor guy put into this then a.) you've never had to create a PowerPoint or b.) there is something wrong with you!

Hopefully you enjoy this little tidbit of knowledge that I stumbled upon so you's can all learn yourselves somethun!  And I also encourage you to check out the rest of his videos here!

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