
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Some Pretty Weird Stuff

This summer I saw some pretty strange things and learned some new things about myself.  But let's start  with the weird crap first.

When we took Wallace to the vet's earlier this summer we couldn't help but be drawn into this stunning mural.
Alright, so, we thought it was hideous but it just kept getting worse the closer we got
While I'm no expert, the last time that I recall seeing a German Shepard, Guinea pig, monkey and parrot in a field together was back in....oh wait...never.  The more that you look at this picture the more that you wonder "Who commissioned this mural, and what was the criteria that they gave to the artist?".  The only thing that would make this funnier was if you could see how drab and 1990's this office; it's completely out-of-place.  The whole thing is whack and I couldn't help but snap a shot of it.

Since we're talking about whack stuff, let's talk about my latest encounter of the Happy Meal at McDonald's.  Yeah, I still eat Happy Meals, get over it.  They are the perfect amount of food...well....used to be.  

Upon receiving my last Happy Meal I reached my hand into the bag, scoured at the Anime looking crap that passed for toys these days and then reached for the fried tater goodness.  To my disgust, I pulled out a four inch box of french fries.  What. the. hell?  While I understand a lot of kids are overweight now, I can not believe that they cut the fry portion down to 100 calories, which I guessed is about 15 fries after taking another look at my sad looking order of fries.
Looks like I'll have to graduate up into the Big Kid's Meal...
Lastly, but definitely not leastly.  You probably aren't ready for this one.  I really like my name "Ann Marie".  But my whole life I've run into issues, from a legal and paperwork standpoint, being named "Ann Marie Kelly X"because having two first names isn't normal to the US government.  So, at various times in my life I've had identity crisises because someone at school would chop off one part of the name or it would be messed up on identification or credit card.  And when they don't match, it turns out there can be major issues, especially in such an electronically run world.  Regardless though, I still love my name and while it's a pain the rear sometimes, I pull through :)

Well, this summer I needed my birth certificate in order to get our marriage certificate.  

And imagine my shock when I pulled it out of the envelope and there it was for the last 27 years plain as black and white...."AnnMarie" name.  Holy crap.  I'm not sure who spelled my name wrong, but, I thought that it was hilarious that people were screwing up my name on DAY ONE.  

With that, I'm out for now!

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