
Monday, November 5, 2012

Why You Should Vote Tomorrow

I don't give a flying hoot who you vote for, but, you sure as heck better vote tomorrow. And after hearing a myriad of excuses over the last few months, I made a small list of reasons that I think that everyone should:

1.) Do you like to complain?  
Then voting is a great way to ensure that for the next four years, you have that right.  If you don't, then you sure as heck can keep your mouth shut until the next election since you made the decision to not to do anything about it and sit on the couch.

2.) To beat the stereotypes of people under 30.
Do your parents and grandparents think that you don't have a clue about what is going on in the world?  Then prove them wrong, take some time to research your candidates and do your civic duty to shut them up.

3.) Do you care about someone that does or could get access to public funding?  
For example, do you know someone that might benefit from Breast Cancer or HIV/AIDS research?  Well, a lot of those programs get federal or state funding.  By voting for candidates that support your causes, you're helping to make sure that your causes are considered.

4.) Do you have any idea how ridiculous the general public is?  
There is a reason that candidates are spending money on those silly negative commercials.  Because there are TONS of people out there that believe them!  Yeah, I know.  It might sound ridiculous but it's true.  While I know that it might seem like you're just canceling someone's vote, at least you're doing that!

5.) It's your money.  
Chances are that you pay thousands of dollars a year out of your paycheck in taxes.  So why wouldn't you help to ensure that your money isn't being p*ssed away?

6.) Do you have kids, ever want to have kids or have grandkids?  
Well, where do you think that decisions are made for education programs, school budgets, teachers unions, daycare regulations and school lunch programs?  Turns out it's primarily by the local, state and federal government that WE put into office.

7.) Do you know a Veteran? 
While some veterans don't mind either way if you vote or not and I even personally know multiple veterans that don't exercise their right to vote for various reasons, their VA benefits are provided by the government.  Which means that our government decides what they get.  Shouldn’t you have enough civic duty in you to take some time to vote for people that you feel are going to ensure that veterans get good healthcare and pay?  

If you're still reading this that you probably saw something that made you think you should vote tomorrow.  But it turns out that you're only half way there and don't know where to start.  So let's continue with the most common excuses that I could think of with some solutions.

But I'm Too Busy To Learn About Politics This Late
What is that?  You say that you're too busy and you don't want to "waste" a vote?  Well, then take 30 minutes to look at your candidates websites tonight and decide who you think most accurately represents your causes and ethics…and who you would trust with your wallet.  At the end of the day, that is what the large majority of America does so don't feel bad.  So instead of sitting on Facebook or Pintrest tonight, why not find out a little bit about your candidates and take the time to vote tomorrow?

But I Don't Know My Candidates
Well, luckily I've found a few resources that will help sum it up.  Essentially you type in your address and it spits out your options on candidates.  Then you can go to their website to see what their agenda looks like.   Or even better, google them and see what others are saying after checking out their website. 

But I Don't Know Where to Vote Tomorrow
Not sure of where to vote or what you need to bring?  Luckily I've found some sites that you punch in your address and then give you your nearest voter location: 

But I Still Can't Figure it Out
I'm putting a unique offer on the table.  If you have read this, went through all of the steps and for whatever reason you can't figure out who your candidates are, what you need to bring to the poll or where your local poll is, PLEASE  email me at annmariescupoftea(at)  I will be watching my email all day and will provide you with a list of your full list of candidates, where to vote, and what you need to bring to the polling location.

So, a big "THANK YOU" to everyone that is going to be going out to the polls tomorrow!  As to those of you that are making the choice not to vote, I challenge you to think long and hard about why you won't be partaking in something that millions of other people across the world wish that they had the right to do.

Can you think of other good reasons that people should vote?  Do you have a good reason that you won't be voting?  I encourage comments!

1 comment:

  1. I love each and every point you made as to why people should vote! My roommate has a friend who purposely isn't voting. And he definitely doesn't have a good reason not to. What a waste! Thank you for the Minnesota links, cause I need to brush up on who to vote for locally!
